I am Tim Henrik,
but you can call me



Hey there! 
I am Henne and I define myself as a Designer.
I study Internet of Things - Digital Product Design
and Development in the 4. Semester at the HfG
Schwäbisch Gmünd
. For me, design is not just about 
creating aesthetically, but rather about creating
new opportunities together. Simply put, it's a way 
of seeing, doing and thinking about things.

Or even simpler: finding a solution to a problem. 

I like challenges. I like coffee. I like user research. I like socks. I like to try new stuff. I like technology. I like valueable design. I like to meet new people. And I like to be with people. I like the unordinary. I like hands on. I like reliability. I like movies. I like AI. I like aesthetics. I like teamwork. I like art. I like quality. I like dogs. I like a lot of things. I like what I do. And I also like you.︎︎   

Things I like      


Why is there a studio in the domain name?
I think of my work, like a fusion kitchen. I like to
combine different fields of work and try new
things. If I do that, I do it with great passion and
commitment. That's because I believe it's not
enough to focus on just one subject or direction.
Another reason for my name choice is that
I like to work in a team. In doing so, I try to gain
new perspectives, support the others and
bring together different ideas.


In the following I invite you to get a short impression
of me and my work. I will give you some insights into
the things i like to spend my free time with. 


In Berlin, I was able to satisfy my interest in art and culture at an early age. I enjoy visiting museums and exhibitions. I also like to create art myself. For example, I was an accredited photographer at the MBFW. Here you see some of my photographs. 


During my time at school, I developed a strong interest in fashion. So I founded a label and sold my self-designed products. It’s still a great joy for me and I run the label on the side.


I enjoy sports in general, but I especially love sailing. Since my youth, I was a competitive sailor in various boat classes and regularly took part in german-, european- and world championships. Boating has had a great influence on me, as it taught me a tactical sense, goal-oriented action, endurance, team-spirit and quick problem solving. Since I gave up professional sailing, I have been active as a coach and member of the regatta team as time allows. Recently, I have started to bring my design activities into the club, so I am currently creating a brand identity for the youth department.


So much about me in advance. I hope you could get
a first impression of myself. Although there is so much
more I would love to share with you. But maybe we
will have time for that in a personal conversation soon. 
I would really like to get to know you! 

Would you also like to have a conversation with me?

  The last update was made in June 2022.